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Same great analysis, all the features you're used to plus many more, with a brand new look and feel.
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What Our Users Are Saying
"I love being able to use MarketEdge on my phone! Really like the new (beta) site."
"Love MarketEdge 2.0, particularly the new StockWatch. Keep up the GREAT work with the new look and feel."
"I don't know who's idea the chart rollover was, but it was genius! Great to be able to see the one year chart just by scrolling over a stock symbol."
"Just wanted to tell you I love the new format and the info included in it. So much easier to get to the information that is desired."
"On first look the new site definitely looks much better and user friendly so far."
"I like the readability of the new site. Very easy on the eyes. The charts section is much improved, especially with the Fib Retracement.""